Using Pico’s pages() function

Creating pages with Pico is stupidly simple - but how do you access them?

What is the Pages Function?

Pico sites can sometimes have a LARGE number of pages. The more pages we add, the slower it becomes to iterate over them in our Twig code! Enter the pages() function.

Since Pico 2.0, the pages() function has replaced our older workflow of directly accessing the pages variable. The iconic old for page in pages line has evolved to become for page in pages(), with those parenthesis () being the key to something much greater.

The breakdown

So, how do we use it? The pages() function can take up to four optional parameters that let you fine tune the pages you’re interested in. Let’s take a look.

Parameter Description
start The id of the page to start from.
depth The maximum depth to select. Use NULL to return all descendant pages. Defaults to 0.
depthOffset The minimum depth to select pages from. Can be negative. Defaults to 0.
offset Start offset by a positive or negative number of levels from the starting page. Defaults to 1, selecting the starting page’s children.

A good way to envision these parameters is as a resizable window around the chosen starting point.

how many levels deep to go, starting from depthOffset.

Creating new pages with Pico definitely is stupidly simple: Simply create a .md file in Pico’s content directory, add a YAML header and some Markdown content and you’re good to go to admire your new page in your favorite browser. Navigating to a single page shows the contents of the matching .md file in Pico’s content dir - for example, if you navigate to, you’ll see the contents of content/sub/ Easy, isn’t it? But what if you’re creating your own theme and you want to access not just the requested page, but also the contents of any other page. The most basic example is your website’s navigation: You surely want some sort of navigation in your theme, right? But how does this work?

Directory path meets URL

You can access any other page using Pico’s pages() Twig function. But first we have to take a step back. How does Pico manage its pages? Using some examples is better than writing a thousands words, so for the means of this tutorial just think of the following Markdown files in your content directory:

├── shop/
│   ├── flowers/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   └──

Every .md file in your content directory represents a single page (e.g. shows shop/ The files have a special meaning: they will be shown if you navigate to the folder path. So for example, if you navigate to, shop/ is being shown. This gets very important when dealing with Pico’s pages() function: Even though shop/ and shop/ are in the same directory, shop/ is actually the parent page of shop/ Just think of shop/ as it would be, both files would be accessible via (by the way, if both files exist, wins).

Pico’s page tree

Pico basically replicates your content directory and stores it in a tree structure - called Pico’s page tree. As we explained before, shop/ (or otherwise) is the parent of shop/ The same is true for It’s not just the parent of both shop/ and, but also the “founder” of your website (i.e. your website’s landing page at But what about the shop/flowers directory, there’s neither a shop/flowers/ nor shop/ If you navigate to you’ll see Pico’s 404 error page. For Pico’s page tree this doesn’t really matter, shop/flowers exists, but just doesn’t represent a page. Pico’s page tree will look like the following:

node `/`
├── node `shop`
│   ├── node `flowers`
│   │   ├── node `daisies`
│   │   ├── node `red-roses`
│   │   └── node `tiger-lilies`
│   └── node `shipping`
└── node `contact`

If you work with Pico’s pages() function, you work with Pico’s page tree. Just keep this structure in mind: files coalesce with their matching folder and if there’s no, Pico’s page tree doesn’t really care. All pages and folders are called nodes.

You want to learn more about Pico’s page tree? You don’t really have to know this if you just want to use Pico’s pages() function, but it might be good to know. Head over to Pico’s page tree documentation for more information.

Using Pico’s pages() function

If you use Pico’s pages() function, you basically take a node’s position and look at its environment. Just imagine you sit in your backyard. Everything is fine and you have your whole family over. Your parent, whose name was /, called you shop. A friend of yours comes by and asks about your children. You proudly list your two children: flowers (full name: shop/flowers) and shipping (full name: shop/shipping).

That’s exactly what is happening if you call Pico’s pages() function in a Twig template: It returns the child pages of the node whose position you take. You can pass the node’s name whose position you want to take as first parameter. So for example, pages("shop") returns the data of page shop/ (it would also return shop/flowers/ if it existed). With the data of these pages you can do whatever you want, you might want to create a list of all the page titles:

    {% for page in pages("shop") %}
        <li><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

This will result in the following HTML markup:

    <li><a href="">Flowers</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Shipping</a></li>

If you want to take the position of flowers (full name: shop/flowers), the pages() function (i.e. {% for page in pages("shop/flowers") %}…{% endfor %}) will return the data of the pages shop/flowers/, shop/flowers/ and shop/flowers/ But what if you want to take the position of shipping (full name: shop/shipping)? It has no children! No worries, pages("shop/shipping") simply returns nothing. If you don’t pass any value to Pico’s pages() function, the position of the root node is assumed and the data of the pages shop/ and is being returned.

You naturally don’t have to add literal pages("shop") calls to your Twig template. Most of the time you don’t want a literal shop (or any other literal name), but some variable instead. You should know this: All page identifiers are valid node names. For example, if you navigate to, Pico’s current_page variable will contain the data of the shop/ page - and the identifier of this page is stored in the {{ }} variable. It’s value is shop/index. Pico’s pages() function is intelligent enough to understand that you’re talking about the shop node. So {% for page in pages( %}…{% endfor %} is totally valid and returns the data of all child pages of the current page. If there are no child pages, it simply returns nothing.

Including the whole family

Let’s get back to your backyard and your lovely family. Another friend comes by and asks about your (you’re shop if you have forgot) descendants. Again you’re super proud and list your child flowers (full name: shop/flowers), your grandchildren daisies (full name: shop/flowers/daisies), red-roses (full name: shop/flowers/red-roses) and tiger-lilies (full name: shop/flowers/tiger-lilies), as well as your other child shipping (full name: shop/shipping).

That’s what is happening if you pass the depth parameter to Pico’s pages() function. If you don’t pass this parameter, you ask for a node’s children only. If you pass depth=1 (like {% for page in pages("shop", depth=1) %}…{% endfor %}), you ask for a node’s children and grandchildren. If you pass any higher integer, you’ll get even more generations of a node’s descendants. If you want to return all descendants, pass depth=null.

If you’ve got grandchildren, people might ask about your grandchildren only. Since your child shipping has no children yet, it’s all up to flowers. That’s what the depthOffset parameter is for. If you don’t pass this parameter, you won’t skip any generations. If you pass depthOffset=1, you’ll get a list of your grandchildren only. However, there’s one hurdle to take: You must make sure that the depth parameter doesn’t exclude the generation you’re looking for with the depthOffset parameter. So if you’re looking for your grandchildren, you must pass depth=1 first, otherwise the pages() function won’t even take your child’s children into consideration. Now you can pass depthOffset=1 to skip your children and return your grandchildren only. So for example, pages("shop", depth=1, depthOffset=1) returns daisies (page shop/flowers/, red-roses (page shop/flowers/ and tiger-lilies (page shop/flowers/

Did you notice that you never included yourself? Simply pass depthOffset=-1 to Pico’s pages() function. pages("shop", depthOffset=-1) returns the pages shop/ (i.e. you) as well as your child page shop/ (again no shop/flowers/ because this page doesn’t exist). You’ll see depthOffset=-1 in a lot of themes - it’s often used to create a website’s navigation, just starting from the root node:

    {% for page in pages(depthOffset=-1) if page.title and not page.hidden %}
        <li{% if == %} class="active"{% endif %}>
            <a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}

Some more things to know

Even though this tutorial is about Pico’s pages() function, we should also talk about Pico’s pages variable. Even though its usage looks very similar and you will often see it being used just like Pico’s pages() function in old themes (e.g. {% for page in pages %}…{% endfor %}), you should never use Pico’s pages variable in a for loop. You remember Pico being blazing fast? By using Pico’s pages variable in a for loop you’ll take any chance from Pico being blazing fast. Always use Pico’s pages() function instead. Use Pico’s pages variable for just one thing only: Accessing the data of a single page whose name you know. Just take content/ in Pico’s sample contents: If you want to print the page’s tagline meta value, use {{ pages["_meta"].meta.tagline }}. That’s what Pico’s pages variable is for, nothing else.

At some other place you might have heard that Pico’s pages() function also accepts the offset parameter. The offset parameter is pretty advanced stuff, and you’ll have to understand how Pico’s pages() function resp. the underlying PicoTwigExtension::pagesFunction() PHP function works internally. Usually you don’t have to know this. There’s only one common use case: Accessing a page’s parent page. Remember the example above: You’re shop and you want to learn more about your parent. Just pass offset=-1 (i.e. pages("shop", offset=-1)), it will return index. Keep in mind that the pages() function returns pages only, so pages("shop/flowers/daisies", offset=-1) will return nothing, because there’s no shop/flowers/ page.

Anyway, if you really want to learn about the advanced stuff of the offset parameter: it is a shortcut to both depth and depthOffset. Its value is added to the values of both depth and depthOffset before they are being passed to PicoTwigExtension::pagesFunction(). It defaults to offset=1, so PicoTwigExtension::pagesFunction() actually receives depth=1 and depthOffset=1 as default parameters. depth=1 tells the function to return the zeroth generation (the node asked for) and the first generation (the node’s children). depthOffset=1 tells the function to exclude the zeroth generation from the return value. That’s the reason why pages(depthOffset=-1) actually works: due to the default offset=1, PicoTwigExtension::pagesFunction() is actually invoked with depth=1 and depthOffset=0, telling the function to return both the zeroth and first generations and not to exclude any generation. You can indeed use the offset parameter in your Twig templates, but overwriting offset also affects depth and depthOffset. So for example, passing offset=0 with neither depth nor depthOffset returns the page data of the asked node only. Check out Pico’s PHPDoc class docs for more details.

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Pico was made by Gilbert Pellegrom and is maintained by The Pico Community. Released under the MIT license.